At this point we decided to change our tactics ie broaden our search area and look at classified ads rather than go through agents. It paid off straight away as we found the place we're now in via the gumtree website. We have taken over someone else's lease as she was relocating. It's less that a year old and so very modern, and in a great area (Richmond for those who know Melbourne) close to the city, bars, restaurants, shops etc. The added bonus is that we have great views from our balcony/communal roof terrace across the MCG to the city as these night shots show...

Unlike the UK, furnished lets pretty much don't exist here, so the next challenge was finding furniture. Fortunately between Andrew's stuff from his old place and loans from his mum, sister and friends (thanks everyone) the only major things we needed to buy were a table and a compuer desk. And with Ikea a short drive away, problem solved! Several trips the storage unit later, all we needed to worry about was making sure that the drinks cupboard was well stocked :-) We're loving having our own place, and being able to cook in our our kitchen and put clothes in a wardrobe rather than a backpack is very exciting after so many months of wandering!

The other news is that we both have jobs! Andrew is back at the company he helped to set up/has been involved with for years, and I am working in fundraising for a Spanish/Latin American welfare centre. Andrew is full time at the moment, and I'm working a very civilised 2 day week and trying my best to be a domestic goddess the rest of the time! We're planning to do some travelling soon but in the meantime enjoying city life and looking forward to Australia Day (26th Jan) and Andrew's birthday celebrations in early Feb.