On the steep hike up we got to see (in order) 2 waterfalls (Cath loved the mist from the crashing water), stunning views of the local active volcano (apparently on a good night you can see the red glow on the peak), some friendly wildlife and views of 3 lagos, with our favourite being the first and smallest one 'Lago Chico'. (Note from Cath - the Chileans were clearly using Aussie place naming logic here - it translates as Small Lake!)

The only down side to the day was that Cath tripped over on slippery mud and hurt her hand. Nothing too serious, just another special bruise, but apparently a good reason not to do anything like washing up for a while... After succesfully negotiating the rest of the hike back down we had half an hour to relax before our bus back to Púcon, so enjoyed some delicious 'french pressed' coffee (some of you may be surprised to hear that Cath is now a coffee drinker again by the way!) at Refugio Tinquilco. It was such a peaceful and beautiful setting that we really didn't want to leave.. :-)

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