Saturday, September 09, 2006

Lima and onwards

We actually have something more to say now so here goes...

We have spent the day wandering round Lima, and although there are some interesting sights including the rather impressive cathedral, people who told us that it wasn't worth staying here for long were right. That said, we´re glad that we have been here for a few days and not just gone straight on as many people in the hostel seem to be doing as it would seem a waste otherwise. We also needed some time to catch up with ourselves (not that life has been busy recently!) so it has been good to have a base for a few days.

The hostel is fine and an interesting bunch of people staying there - we had a good time chatting away over a few beers last night. Not your conventional honeymoon admittedly but then we're hardly anti-social are we?! The good thing about the hostel environment is that people are happy to be sociable but equally happy to cut off and do their own thing, so suits us well. Oh yes, and it´s very cheap! In fact the whole place is and considering that Lima is supposed to be the most expensive place in Peru (besides perhaps Cusco) a quid for a 2 course lunch in the city centre seems more than a little reasonable!

We have also booked our luxury bus tickets to Nazca (to see the Nazca lines) leaving tomorrow and coming back Monday. 7-8 hours each way so no small trip, but seeing as Andrew has wanted to go there since he read about the Nazca lines at the age of 8 it is a trip worth doing. By all accounts amazing, will let you know if we agree when we get back. The return trip including meals works out as less than a return Virgin train from London to Liverpool - and yes we are missing that journey so much already ha ha.

On that note must go as rapidly approaching the end of our 30 minutes here. One last thought though - I love the ocean! The Pacific is about a mile from where we are staying here and despite the permanent haze in Lima at this time of year, the view is incredible. We are just back from walking down to the cliff path and back up again (training, obviously) which was really impressive.

That´s us for now, back soon. Keep in touch!

Cath (& Andrew)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, As part of my commitment to lifelong learning I am pleased to say I now know what the Nazca lines are. This seems like an easy way to keep in touch.
Alls fine in Chicago.